Lose Weight Fast Blogger
I lost weight faster by planning to win. In planning to win, there were certain things that I could no longer do, or else I would be planning to fail.  In planning to win this weight loss battle, you have to be truthful with yourself. You have to know your own strengths, but even more importantly your own weaknesses. Oreo cookies were my weakness. Dr. Pepper was my weakness. Bluebell ice cream and snicker bars were my weakness. So...since I knew these things were my weakness,  in order to loose weight faster, I had to place some distance between myself and those items. That meant...no more loading the grocery cart with snacks and goodies. Why? Because I knew MEEEE!!! I could sit there and lie to myself all day long saying that I would only eat 3 oreos per day, when in reality, I knew that if I was having I weak moment, I would
plow through the whole bag in one sitting. That's reality. And I had to face it in order to reach my weight loss goals.  In a nutshell, if you don't keep a lot of junk in your cupboard, you can't eat a lot of junk when you start feeling your emotions.

When trying to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle, you need to get rid of everything in your home that may cause you to fall.  True...you can still get in your car and drive to the supermarket in the middle of the night to get a snicker bar. But I don't consider that a FALL. I consider that a STUMBLE.  And it's a stumble that you can easily bounce back from the next day, instead of being depressed that you messed up your weekly weight loss goal by downing a whole BAG of snicker bars.  Losing weight is intentional. It's not accidental. It's something that you have to plan for DELIBERATELY. So I encourage you to PLAN to win. Remember, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. And that's REAL TALK...especially as it pertains to loosing weight! Let's go!!! Click
here to get more free weight loss tips and advice.

Lose Weight Fast Blogger
I lost weight by keeping myself motivated. Staying motivated is easier said than done, especially when I first started my weight loss journey. I wanted the pounds to come off overnight, and when they didn't, I would give up for a day or two and revert back to my old mindset.  One thing that helped me stay motivated when loosing weight was to have my own cheerleaders rooting me on.  I recruited my cheerleaders through facebook.  I let them know from the very beginning of my weight loss journey that I would be posting regular pictures and blogging  for accountability purposes. I held up my end up the agreement. Each week, I would snap pictures of my weight loss
progress. I have nearly 2500 pictures that were taken with my cell phone during
a 7 month journey. Now that's some serious picture taking.  Walking down the
street, I would snap my picture. Sitting in a restaurant, I would snap my
picture. Going to the gym, I would snap my picture. Chilling in the backyard, I
would snap my picture.... When you are loosing weight, it is sometimes hard for you to see exactly how well you've been doing. This is because you see yourself everyday. To you....you look the same. By taking pictures daily, you can do a photo-comparison.  When you see the difference, pat yourself on the back for a job well done. And even if you don't see a difference, STILL pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

Another thing I did to stay motivated while loosing weight was find me a good mirror. I know it sounds silly. But it worked for me. I didn't like looking in the mirrors I had at home, because they made me look bigger. But now...the mirror in the taco bell that was down the street from my house...that mirror told the TRUTH.  I could really see
a major difference every time I looked in that mirror.  I would make weekly visits to that taco bell, just so I could spend a few minutes in the mirror ...snapping pictures of how good and fabulously skinny I was starting to look. 

I mentioned this in another post... But it can stand to be repeated. I invested in weight loss gear that made me feel good about working out. I bought cute gym suits that made me excited about getting up to work out each day. I didn't buy regular clothes because I didn't want to purchase a size that didn't match the vision in my head. But I did have fun
going into the dressing and snapping pictures of me in a size 16.  And whenever I needed more motivation, I would go back and look at the picture of me in the size 22 compared to me in the size 16. The pictures proved to me that my hard work and commitment to losing weight was paying off.

These are just a few things that I did to stay motivated while loosing weight... Now, I'm not telling you to drive across town to find a mirror that makes you look skinny. I'm not telling you to go out and spend $200 on gym suits. I'm just saying, find what works for you. Find something ANYTHING that motivates you or inspires you to keep loosing the weight.  By staying motivated, you won't give up on your vision of a healthier you. You will keep going until you accomplish every goal that has been set. You can do it!!! I believe in you!!! So let's go!!! Click
here to get more free weight loss tips and advice.

Lose Weight Fast Blogger
I lost weight fast by envisioning my success. I kept a constant picture before me to remind myself of the place I wanted to be. After setting my weight loss goal, I went to the store and bought a pair of size 10 pants, while I was still wearing a size 22 pants. I bought a size "small" blouse to go with those pants, even though I was still wearing a
size XXL blouse. I hung that outfit up on my mirror as a constant reminder of
where I wanted to be. As I worked towards loosing weight each day, I envisioned
myself wearing that outfit. I created a magazine picture with my face on the
body I would eventually have. I set that magazine picture as the wallpaper and
screensaver on my cellphone and computer, as a constant reminder of what I could
be if I just remained faithful...if I just stuck with my weight loss

None of the fat clothes I had in my closet  matched the vision that was in my head. So what did I do? I took all of my fat clothes, except two outfits to get me through the week, and I threw them all away. I didn't even GIVE them  away because I didn't want to sow that fat demon into anybody else's life.  By throwing away my fat clothes, I was making room for my skinny clothes. I made up my mind that I was not going to go out and by another size 22 anything. EVER!!! And even as I lost the weight, I still refused to go clothes shopping, because I did not want to buy a size 20 or an 18. A friend had to literally make me go buy a size 16 pants because my size 22 pants were literally falling off of me. But even then, I only bought ONE PAIR!!  I refused to invest any more money on clothes that did not match my

The only clothes that  I invested in before reaching my goal was work out gear. Looking fly while working out kept me motivated to work out even more. Now...you might not be able to throw away ALL of your fat clothes, especially if you have an office job and need office attire. However, you can get rid of MOST of them. By doing so, you are making room for the new clothes to fit your healthy body.  Anything that you have hanging in your closet that does not match the vision you have in your head IS A LIE and you need to get rid of it. Even the fat reflection that's staring back at you in the mirror is a lie. Look back at your reflection and call it a lie. That's not the real you! That's not who you were meant to be! You're better than that! Tell your reflection you are better than that! And then take the necessary steps to become the woman or man you are truly meant to be. You can do it! I believe in you! LET'S GO!!! Click
here to
get more free weight loss tips and advice.

P.S. - I don't know how many of you guys have ever heard of this ShowTime movie called "Lying To Be Perfect." It is an AWESOME & TOUCHING movie about overcoming obesity. This is a good movie for both women and men. I am posting a link to the movie below. I found it on YouTube. It's 1 hour & 24 minutes long. Hopefully, it touches your life the way that it touched mine. 

Lose Weight Fast Blogger
I lost weight by setting a goal. I suggest you do the same. In order to lose weight fast, you need to know your current weight, your goal weight and how fast you want to get to that goal weight. Keep your goals realistic. Don't set a goal to lose 10 pounds per week. Setting goals like that are first of all, in most cases, unhealthy. Secondly, you will burn yourself out trying to reach that goal and ultimately give up your weight loss
goals altogether.

If you know you haven't been working out in years, don't set a goal to run a marathon in six months. Instead, set a simple and realistic weight loss goal to get out and walk 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week. If you can't do the 30 minutes per day 3 times per week, shoot for 10 minutes per day and work your way up to 30 minutes.  It does not matter if you start off taking baby steps. Just know that each step you take,
whether big or small, is a step in the right direction. It is one step closer to a healthier and trimmer you.

To help me set my weight loss goal, I used a free smartphone application called "Noom." With this app, I was able to lose weight by setting up a personalized weight loss plan, tailor made just for me. Not sure if it is available for the iPhone or not. Visit the noom website (
www.noom.com) for details. If Noom is not available for your phone, do a Google search for personalized weight loss plans (some are free/some cost a fee).  To create a plan, you simply enter your gender, your age, your current weight, your goal weight, how many pounds you want to lose each week, how frequent you intend to work out each week and the exercises you intend to do.  After entering this information, the Noom application (or whatever other personalized weight loss planner you are using) will tell you exactly how many calories you are allowed each day.  Then all you have to do in order to loose weight fast is follow the plan. Follow it RELIGIOUSLY!! And I promise you will see results. I followed the app and exceeded my goal.  My initial goal was to lose 3 pounds per week. I followed the app diligently and ended up losing 4 pounds most of those weeks.

The Noom application even has an alarm to remind you to go work out each day. You can log your foods to help keep track of  your calories and water intake. There are so many free tools available to help you loose weight fast that there are no more excuses for you to not get healthy. All you need is a plan and a pair of walking shoes. Strap them on and
you will start loosing weight one step at a time. I did it! And so can you!!! So go ahead. Don't wait another minute. You owe it to yourself to sit down today and set a weight loss goal. If you are unable to find a personalized weight loss
planner, inbox me your details, and I will gladly respond with a personalized Noom plan tailor made just for you. Click
here  for more free weight loss tips and advice.